City of Justice of Barcelona and L’Hospitalet
- L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
History of a great project
This set of buildings, designed by David Chipperfield Architects and B720 Architects, represented a year of work for Signes.
Morillas designed the branding and signage elements and, from there, our team of designers and wayfinding technicians carried out an exhaustive study of flows and circulations of future users.
Solving the signage of this complex, with several entrances and a multitude of rooms, required multiple meetings with technicians and officials to find a language that was easy to interpret and quick to understand, to facilitate its use by the 12,500 people who pass through these facilities on a daily basis.

In parallel, Signes searched for economically affordable industrial solutions, given the magnitude of the project and the characteristics of the client, the Administration.
Finally, our company was also responsible for the production and installation of all the signage elements, including the white concrete letters that Chipperfield requested for the canopies on the main access facades.